Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jasmine, Eggplant, Zucchini, Lavender, and Pavers

Wow, it's been awhile since we've posted anything...

We've undertaken several home improvement projects this summer. One closest to completion has been our backyard, which many of you may remember was previously our rotting wood deck; that's now gone, and has been replaced by concrete pavers, landscaping, and drip irrigation.

It's still a work in progress, but the infrastructure is in and I've done a bit of transplanting. Here are a few updates:

Our Japanese eggplant is growing nicely, and--since protecting it with Sluggo--seems to be safe from the snails. Chiu-Ki gave us some of her extra Zucchini seeds, and we're batting 0.660 in terms of seedlings. We've named them "right" and "left", but through a catastrophic turn of events, and the usual degree of obfuscation, the plant on the left is actually "right".

In a nod to downtown Palo Alto parking, we've named this region the "purple zone", with a variety of flowering plants, including our recently transplanted lavender and jasmine:

Set your expectations appropriately since you know how frequently we update this blog, but additional garden details, photos and tracking can be found on (you guessed it) the web's latest Gardening 2.0 adventure: MyFolia. Check it out.

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