Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Light Rain"

We were up at 4 this morning to catch a flight to Valencia -- really, we were catching a flight to see the Calatrava complex of museums and return-- and we did. But I think we weighed more on the return flight. No, the food wasn't that good. It rained that much. Rain was falling, and just as we would say, "well, that's the worst of it," it pours... harder. Buckets. Sheets. Cats, dogs, mice, foxes, elephants. The skies opened up... and rain just fell. My favorite moment was when I realized it was raining onto my hood, down my jacket, and straight down my pants. Remember the blue color that ran onto my bag last week? Well, now it's on the inside edge of my raincoat, too... and my legs. I am a smurf. I am blue.

The folks in Valencia didn't think anything of the rain. In the Calatrava museum, I pointed out -- rather panicked -- a huge puddle on the floor. I realized the guard couldn't care less. Then we realized why -- every building leaked. There were puddles throughout the museum (though I do think I pointed out the largest one). There were puddles through the metro station. There were puddles in the airport. The escalators dripped. And no one seemed one bit bothered. Custodial people just went around mopping. All day.

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