Wednesday, October 10, 2007

On the Road Again..

Between two flights, I've seen more movies in the last 48 hours than I have in several months: Waitress, Because I Said So, and part of the Simpsons movie.

We landed in Frankfurt -- I slept for just a couple hours on the plane -- and are doing our best to adjust to the nine-hour time difference. Our modus operandi for our first day adjusting to the time difference is to do as much [sleep-] walking as possible to help us stay awake. Today's destination was Römerberg, the heart of what used to be the medieval quarter, and the German Architecture Museum. About the former, the NYT writes, "the half-timbered houses are picture-perfect, and well they might be, since they were meticulously rebuilt after being flattened in World War II." It was, indeed, picture-perfect. We then mozied to the Deutsches Architekturmuseum, which was not all we'd hoped for -- doesn't bode well when the museum is in a down right boring building. We had some Thai/Japanese/Vietnamese (yes, all-in-one) food for lunch near, but not at, Klein Market, back near Römerberg.

In line with our assorted passport control shenanigans of the day (see J's posts for clarity), we also managed to take the wrong train as we were attempting to return to the airport. Not a problem -- we got off, and headed back to the prior stop when we realized it. And then, between stations, the train came to halt. There was police activity and we weren't moving. That made for a few moments of "what if we miss our flight [that's in six hours]?" The train resumed movement, we boarded the correct S-Bahn, and returned to the airport, to more of the passport control dance. We did manage to return to the lounge, and collect our luggage and... I took a 2+ hour nap. At least I feel human now.

I'm not sure whether we're "in" the EU or not at the moment- all the in-and-out of passport control (and an official two line strike through one of our stamps) - but we're off shortly to Munich.

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